
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Light out of dark

I know this shot isn't great. But, I have always liked it just the same. Originally, it was this horrible picture of a building I shot in the Warehouse District of Manhattan during the book launch of "What's Your Exit?"

For the record, I had nothing to do with that at all. I was just someone's "plus one" and was looking to kill some time snapping shots in-between all the hobbing and nobbing going around to the left and right of me.

"What's Your Exit?" was a nice book this person did, though. I said it at the time and meant it. But, the only thing more smothering than a room full of writers is two rooms full of writers. Well, writers are a necessary evil -- someone has to know how to spell stuff.

In this photo I looked at it in the context of transformation: dark to light. The photo also has an ethereal quality to me that is captivating.

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