My father,
then-Corporal James J. Purcell, Sr., was part of the invading force on June 6,
1944, when the Allies under the command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower landed
on the Northern Coast of France. His combat engineer outfit was task organized
with the 1st Infantry Division during their landing on Omaha Beach. A
year before, he lost his brother, Gunner’s Mate Second Class David Purcell at
the landing at Anzio beachhead, in Italy.
My Dad
never really talked about D-Day. Rather, he looked away, took a deep drag from
his Marlboro cigarette and just said, “That was a real bad day…a real long
one.” And, he had tears in eyes when he recalled it. He was looking past me,
past our New Jersey suburban property, back through the long stretch of time.
He remembered old pain.
Back when
I asked him about D-Day, he said, “It was terrible. So, now I am done talking
about it.” Dad crushed out his cigarette on the front porch, folded the Newark
Star-Ledger under his arm, and went back into the house and up to my parents’
bedroom. I didn’t see him for the rest of the night. When I saw him again, I
got the feeling I shouldn’t ask him about D-Day anymore; or even the rest of
the war.
I got
it…even when I was nine years old. Dad had a hard time remembering D-Day and
Battlefield Europe. He lost friends on the beach, and in later actions. Dad was
in the New Jersey Army National Guard when the war started, so he was
technically considered Regular Army. This might also be the reason that he
didn’t get out until 1946 and was briefly part of the Army of Occupation in
American soldiers prepare to land on Omaha Beach |
that, he started a taxi company in Newark, New Jersey after marrying my Mom,
Ruth (nee Ford) Purcell in late 1946. Dad made good, had a nice home and kids.
But, he never got over the last part of the war.
On June 6,
1944, Allied Forces landed 160,000 soldiers on a 50-mile swarth of beaches in
Normandy, France in a plan codenamed “Overlord.” The German Army had occupied
France since November 1942 and the defenses along Normandy were substantial and
included large machinegun nests, barbed wire obstacles, beach obstacles, mines and
artillery batteries, to name a few.
While the
overall commander of the invasion was General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Deputy
Supreme Commander was Air Marshal A.W. Tedder. The Commander in Chief of Land
Forces for the invasion, as well as the commander of the 21st Army
Group was British General Sir Bernard Law Montgomery. The Commander of the
Expeditionary Force was Admiral B.H. Ramsay and the Commander-in-Chief of the
Allied Expeditionary Force was Air Chief Marshal T. Leigh-Mallory.
Gen. Dwight Eisenhower addresses soldiers from the 101st Abn |
The “Allies”
was a phrase that covered a multitude of armies of nations fighting
side-by-side throughout the war. At Normandy, soldier, sailors, marines and
airmen from 13 countries were in the fight. Forces from the United States,
United Kingdom, Canada and the Free French were prominent among the invasion
The Allies
practiced their D-Day roles for months before the actual invasion. In fact, off
the coast of Devon, in the United Kingdom, a German torpedo boat killed 749
U.S. soldiers and sailors training on landing exercises for Operation Overlord.
deception plan was also put in place by the Allies, called “Operation
Fortitude.” This operation was aimed at confusing the Germans about when and
where the landings would take place. Double-agents, among them Juan Pujol,
attempted to divert German intelligence away from Normandy as a likely place
for attack.
English Channel was a major factor in planning for D-Day. It was estimated by
the Royal Navy that only 10 days in any given month were suitable for launching
Overlord. Another factor in the planning for D-Day was that the Allies needed a
full moon for illumination during the crossing from the United Kingdom to the
coast of France. Allied airpower had to have the moon’s illumination to
navigate the channel.
Allied airpower was limited at Normandy due to weather |
Eisenhower, in a June 5 meeting, gave the greenlight for Overlord after he was
briefed by Chief Meteorologist Group Captain J.M. Stagg that there would be a
brief improvement over the channel on June 6. Meanwhile, Admiral Bertram Ramsay
confirmed that conditions would be marginally favorable for a June 6 crossing.
Later, it
would turn out that Stagg’s forecast was wrong. As a consequence of that,
Allied airpower was limited during the actual invasion and the beaches’
defenses were left virtually intact on Omaha and Juno beachheads.
the Germans were lulled into a false sense of security because of the bad
weather. They were caught totally surprised by the invasion. The German High
Command would not even be aware that Normandy was the main thrust of the
invasion until June 7, when French General Charles de Gaulle made a radio
announcement stating Normandy was the main thrust of the invasion to his
Soldiers at Omaha Beach had to wade through up to 100ft of water |
the invasion, men and women of the French Resistance coordinated with U.S.
Forces to assist them in the liberation of their country. Using code words via
radio broadcasts from Great Britain, Allied Forces signaled the impending
invasion covertly to their partners on the continent.
The Allied
units dedicated for Operation Overlord included:
- U.S. V
Corps: U.S. 1st Infantry Division and the U.S. 29th
Infantry Division
- U.S. VII
Corps: U.S. 4th Infantry Division, U.S. 101st Airborne
Division and the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division
- British
6th Airborne Division
- British
I Corps: 3rd British Infantry Division and the British 27th
Armoured Brigade
- British
XXX Corps: British 50th Infantry Division and British 8th
Armoured Brigade
- British
79th Armoured Division
- 3rd
Canadian Infantry Division and 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade
- Naval
forces from eight Allied navies contributed 6,939 vessels
- 1,213
- 4,126
transport vessels
- 736
other vessels
- 864
merchant vessels
British 6th Airborne Division soldiers at Normandy |
units in the direct areas of the landings included:
- 716TH German Infantry
- 352nd German Infantry
- 91st German Air Landing
- 709th German Infantry
Early in
the morning hours of June 6, the American 101st and 82nd
Airborne divisions dropped 13,100 U.S. paratroopers by parachute and via glider
landings in the vicinity of Cherbourg and Carentan. The mission of these
airborne soldiers was to disrupt the German defenses that would be opposing
U.S. landings on Utah and Omaha beachheads later in the day.
6th British Airborne Division Patch |
between June 5-7, the British 6th Airborne Division deployed 8,500
soldiers by parachute and glider landings in the vicinity of German defensesthat would oppose the British and Canadian forces at Gold, Sword and Juno
beachheads. The mission of the British paratroopers was the same as their
American counterparts: Disrupt German defenses, create confusion and in so
doing assist the landings.
everything went to plan, though. Due in part to fierce German anti-aircraft
artillery and problematic weather, both American and British paratroopers were
frequently dropped far from their planned drop zones. Still, these soldiers
started the battle, largely, from wherever they landed and fulfilled their
American paratroopers
sustained 1,003 killed, 2,657 wounded and 4,490 missing. Meanwhile British
Forces sustained 800 soldiers dead or wounded.
82nd Airborne Division Patch |
In battle,
the American paratroopers were responsible for 21,300 killed, wounded or
missing among German defenders. British paratroopers were responsible for
killing 400 German defenders and capturing an additional 400.
beaches of Normandy were assigned codenames: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword.
American VII Corps, which included the 90th Infantry Division Group
and the 4th Infantry Division Group, among others, was assigned to
Utah Beach.
The next
beach over, Omaha Beach, was assaulted by the American V Corps and its primary
fighting units included the 2nd Infantry Division, 29th
Infantry Division Group and the 1st Infantry Division Group.
British XXX Corps had primary responsibility for Gold Beach. It primarily
included the 33rd Independent Armoured Brigade, the 49th Infantry
Division, the 7th Armoured Division and the 50th Infantry
Division Group.
Phases of the Allied Invasion of Normandy |
Juno Beach
was reserved for the 3rd Canadian Infantry Group, which was
subordinate to the British I Corps. Reinforcing the 3rd Canadian
Infantry was the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade.
British 51st Division and 4th Independent Armoured
Brigade, as well as the 3rd Infantry Division Group were tasked with
securing Sword Beach.
British XXX Corps Patch |
Beach’s landings went fairly well overall. Soldiers from the 4th
Infantry Division landed at approximately 0630. By the time they landed,
British Bomber Command had destroyed one of two strongpoints opposing the
assault battalions on Utah Beach were quickly reinforced with armor support,
along with several combat engineer units (equipped with demolition materials).
By 0900, the beach was secured and combat units were moving inland.
Point du
Hoc was situated between Utah and Omaha beaches and was assaulted by the 2nd
Ranger Battalion.
The Rangers approached their targets by scaling steep cliffs to
destroy German guns located on the heights. However, after contending with
fierce German and French collaborator fire on the way up, the Rangers
discovered the guns had already been uninstalled by the Germans. The Ranger
casualties included 135 dead and wounded. Meanwhile, German casualties numbered
50 killed and 40 captured. An unknown number of French collaborators were
summarily executed.
American soldiers moving off Utah Beach |
soldiers assaulting Omaha Beach faced the most heavily defended beach of the
operation. Water currents were responsible for many landing craft veering off
course and being destroyed. Bombers delayed their missions on Omaha Beach for
fear of hitting American soldiers. Thus, the defending German units were
unscathed when soldiers came from the sea.
addition, landing craft ended up frequently coming aground 50-100 meters from
shore, forcing invaders to swim and wade through water just to begin the fight
for the beach. With fire blasting at them from the beach cliffs, casualties
were about 2,000 among Americans.
At 0830,
follow-on landings were suspended. Destroyers were called on to provide
off-shore fire against the Germans. However, to exit the beach American Forces
had to move gullies that were heavily defended by Germans. Still, late in the
morning, a battalion-sized force had broken out and held the high ground. Even
though Americans had broken out, it still took three days for American Forces
to pacify their beach entirely.
The 4th Infantry Division Patch |
At 0725, the
British XXX Corps soldiers landed on Gold Beach. High wind conditions plagued
the invasion force making for difficulty for landing craft. Thankfully, four
German guns were taken out of service by naval forces supporting the invasion.
The last of the German guns was operational and pinned down British Forces
until German soldiers surrendered their position on June 7th.
Canadian landing on Juno Beach started out with choppy waters. This meant that,
while the infantry landed, their armor support was delayed. Consequently, this
created a lot of casualties among the invading force (961 men). The Canadians
fought hard and made their exits off the beach despite being battered by German
defenders. Yet, after finally getting off the beach, soldiers had to clear the
towns of Courselles-sur-Mer, St. Aubin-sur-Mer and Bernieres-sur-Mer in
house-to-house fighting.
On Sword
Beach, British tanks were the first wave ashore and were able to cover the
infantry as it was shuttled ashore at about 0730. The beach was heavily mined,
so this slowed British progress. British forces contended with German guns and
it would not be until several days later than one German observation post was
taken. French Forces, assigned with the British, captured a casino stronghold
relatively soon after the landings.
The path of Allied advance following the landings at Normandy |
At about
1600, the Germans attempted an armored counter-attack against the British
Forces on the beach. The German armor units were pulled out to handle Allied
attacks in Caen and Bayeux.
approximately 160,000 Allied soldiers had landed on contested beaches on June
6, an additional 875,000 Allied soldiers would disembark on those beaches by
the end of June. On the first day, the Allies had sustained 10,000 casualties,
with 4,414 confirmed as dead.
President Franklin Roosevelt and British PM Winston Churchill |
The Germans
had been dealt a crippling blow along the coast, with 4,000-9,000 either
wounded, dead or missing.
1942, the Western Allies had been promising a new front in Europe to the
heavily besieged Soviet Union. Soviet Allies wanted a second European Front
against the Germans because the two fronts would begin the process of squeezing
German-occupied lands, forcing a retreat of occupiers back to Germany proper. It
is much more difficult to manage a two-front war than a single-front war.
American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt wanted to go ahead with a European
landing much earlier, it was British Prime Minister Winston Churchill who
dissuaded him. It was Churchill’s idea to wait and strengthen Allied Forces and
regain strategic strongholds the Germans were occupying in North Africa and
though Normandy was finally decided upon as the landing site, other potential
sites were considered in Brittany, the Cotentin Peninsula and at the Pas de
the overwhelming success of the Normandy Invasion, Allied Force, led by Free
French Forces finally wrested Paris away from Germany’s grasp by August,
signaling a new phase of the war.
Normandy Invasion can be considered one of the most pivotal victories by the
Allies, or in military history for that matter, and led to a string of
follow-on victories, which assisted in concluding the wat in favor of the