
Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Question of History, Politics and National Unity


I am not going to lecture Democrats, Independents and Republicans out there. There has been quite enough of that for long years. Instead, I am going to talk about American history.

   How will America piece itself back together from the many sociological, religious and political fractures that have formed in recent years? Is it even possible?

   It better be, because the lack of cohesion our nation is experiencing today is nothing short of a road to ruin for our nation and its people.

   Anything great America has achieved has been when its people were unified, sans the Civil War, of course.

   Yet, in all of the great wars America has fought and won, especially World War II, it was not Democrats or Republicans who won victory. It was Americans of every race, creed and color. And, it will not be any one race of men and women who will chart a course to success for the nation.

   When American industry was the greatest in the world, and when the American worker established the highest standard of living on the planet, it was not because businesses turned their back on their nation and headed for places where slave labor thrived.

   Today, in this post-modern world of ours, Americans cannot even agree on what is or is not news of the day. The phrase "fake news" has been introduced into our lexicon of language. And, this idea has been caustic.

   I spent almost 20 years in the news business. Of course, back then, 'news' was mostly reported in newspapers. It was a craft, one that took someone years to learn. And, it was not entirely taught in colleges. Mostly, this craft was taught in newsrooms, where would-be reporters started by being assistants in the Editorial Department. They were given more responsibility, based on their performance, and eventually they might -- might -- be allowed to start writing something.

   It is not that way anymore. News is reported by anyone with a computer and a smart phone. It is no longer a craft, but a hobby for political advocates. Yes, there are still some major, credible news outlets. But the science behind news, and the ethical concerns so present during my years, is no longer anchored to news anywhere. Is it the Internet's fault? Well, that would be like blaming the sky for airplane accidents.

   The point is that Americans have ceased to have a set of facts in common about their politics, taxes, wars and laws. This is because if the news can no longer be believed, then people will believe what they want instead. And, this does nothing to help national unity.

   I will say, though, that 'traditional American values' should not be so interpretive as they are being spouted today. America has traditionally spurned foreign interventions. Americans have been at odds with Russian Bolsheviks and Chinese Communists since their inception. Yes, during World War II, common enemies turned these countries and America into temporary allies. But, these nation's leaders are not our 'friends' and association between American leaders and foreign nationals should be scrutinized with a critical eye at all times.

   It is not 'collusion' to be too deeply in the pockets and debt of foreigners. It is un-American, and possibly treason. The word 'treason' has been modified from its original meaning also. Where once treason was disloyalty to our nation, today this word is being applied to Americans who happen to not agree with certain political parties. I would under-score that disagreeing with those in power is far from treason or the Women's Suffrage and Civil Rights movements, in their times, would have been treasonous institutions...and they were not and are not.

   Founding brothers John Adams and Thomas Jefferson coined foul play between political parties. Inter-party rivalry and resorting to lies and innuendo is not new under the American sun. Yet, while politicians have always vied for power and fractured trust during election seasons, they have never before left the people fragmented after our elected representatives have been sworn in. This is a critique today, because the American people are as divided as any time they have ever been.

   Today, America faces multi-front wars from Africa to Southwestern Asia, and has been at war with some of these rivals for 20 years or more. America now finds it acceptable to fight 'never-ending wars.' How can this be a good idea? How does this solve the issue of having a strategic reserve on hand -- in case our rivals Russia and/or China ever decide to test American will. Our nation is too engaged in many minor wars to be able to effectively halt the Red Bear or the Chinese Colossus.

   Men and women of every race, creed and color serve this country in its uniforms, and place their lives in the hands of our nation's decision-makers ever single day. It does not take a well-trained eye to notice that, militarily, this nation is a ship adrift. And, it has been for a long time. I will say it simply, America cannot be strong and be fighting a never-ending war. War is where strength is weakened, not where it grows. It is not just the lack of funds that weakens the military, it is regular use in war that has no end.

   It is the 21st century and, rather than facing new challenges associated with our progress, Americans have decided to renew the domestic battles of old regarding equal justice, women's rights, immigration and governmental corruption. The world's technology has out-paced the growth of our national unity. And, this is a dangerous thing.

   Is it because Americans believe in nothing anymore? They believe in no institution, no leader, no rules of God? Or, have Americans projected their wants and desires onto these things in the hopes that they might be at peace? I don't know. But, I know if our nation does not stop measuring itself by labels and false platitudes then we will suffer for it and find our times of great achievement only in history books.



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