
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

As Obama Administration comes to a close, racism takes center stage in politics

President and Mrs. Obama with their children
As President Barack Obama nears the end of his second term, and the end of his presidential administration, it marks a historic period.

It is clear to me, as an American, that he saved our republic at a time when it was in dire situations, on many fronts, when he entered office.

For a core of white Americans, there were two primary problems with President Obama that would never get solved: the first, he was black and was not acting as anyone else's agent in serving in this nation's highest executive office; and second, he would not back down in the face of sheer bigotry.

There are legions of people who will tell a neutral party that they hate the president because of his policies or due to his general world view as a more liberal president than a Republican might be. Yet, such arguments would simply be a lie.

An early GOP bumper sticker
In America, I was never taught that a president, or any office holder for that matter, should be white or a man. I suppose I naively thought that wasn't an issue. But, I was wrong where it involves some whites who have not quite gotten over the fact that the Civil War is over (and has been for about 150 years) and Blacks are no longer second-class citizens, at least in theory. I say 'in theory' because there is a sentiment, I believe stirred by the very rich in this nation, that Blacks in offices of high responsibility should not happen and, now that it has, should never happen again. Reasonable people, born and raised in this era, do not believe such things. Yet, the rich target the ignorant, racist whites, largely damaged people looking to place blame on someone for something in their lives and they have found a way, via FOX News, to stir that pot to the point of near armed insurrection in this nation.

Indeed, these racists, whom identify themselves as "Republicans," "Conservatives" or "Tea Party Patriots" are neither Republican, nor Conservative in any sane way and they certainly are not patriots of any kind. They are simply racists. Try as they might to sound reasonable, they cannot because at the root of all of their arguments is always a grain of evil that cannot be undone by verbal diversion.

If America can be undone because of racist determination, then this is not the America I learned about as a boy, or the America whose uniform I served in my youth. I always believed America was grander than hate, bigger than the small minds of evil people and defiant in its acceptance to those from any background. I understood that if anyone came to these shores wanting to make a better life for themselves and their family then that was all that was required for citizenship. In some ways, I am sad to say I was wrong because obviously I didn't know that so many hateful people, who unhappily share my race, are so enamored of themselves they believe others who are not white to be inferior in some way. This is a revolting philosophy in every way, and another tragedy is that this nonsense occurs in our world's 21st century. In some ways our nation has come very far in its commerce and technology and, in other ways, it is no better than 150 years ago when it comes to attitudes.

And, he says this with a straight face
All of this hate is focused simply on skin pigmentation, which is the most superficial thing included on people, by design. The belief that one race, regardless of which one it is, has some innate quality over any other is preposterous by any definition.

There are good men and bad men, good women and bad women. But, there is no race of evil people put here on earth by God. Mankind was given free choice to make this world a garden or a new hell. The choice was and is ours, so there is no one to blame if it becomes some tortured plain hallmarked by the perceived differences of humanity by the unbalanced among our population.

President Obama has braved a perilous journey in office, and it has made something very clear to me: Those who are sane will never be convinced of racism by those who are unbalanced and evil. I believe there is no such thing as Republican and Democrats anymore, there are simply people who strive for good and those who strive for evil. There can be no good done by those who seek to punish the poor, fight wars of indulgence, focus national effort into keeping the riches 1 percent as rich as they can be, while at the same time advocating for the dissolution of Social Security, the working man and woman's only friend in retirement.

Propaganda from so-called "patriots"
So-called American elected officials in the United States Congress and Senate have actively planned to usurp President Obama, at the cost of outright treason in conspiring with a foreign country, namely Israel. And, the world has watched as this nation has gone through its racist fits at home. The most progressive nation in the world, which is what the U.S. used to be known as, is no better than a howling kindergarten class thanks to the self-ascribed "patriots" who weaken our country every single day.

If I had a wish, it would be for these so-called "patriots" to leave the U.S. and make their own dictatorial, repressive state somewhere far away -- where everyone would wear a gun, no minorities could vote, the poor would live in gutters and in the woods, while the rich build themselves luxury towers and housing. But, it will not happen. So, it is up to common people, armed with sense and humanity, to make the firm decision to vote against this outbreak of evil in the ways that are at our disposal -- in ballot boxes throughout this country.

So-called American lawmakers have resorted to treason
Make no doubt about it, I am not saying that the Democratic Party or its legion of professionals, candidates or office holders are the ultimate answer to the safety of this nation. I am saying, though, that in this difficult time, the Democratic Party is the last vessel of safety in a sea swarming with parasites, predators and vermin of every make and model. Democrats are people, and fallible as any, but they do not represent a clear and present danger to the welfare of the American people as these modern "patriots" who are out there.

Yet, there is a difference between handing over our country to a bunch of Democratic politicians over handing it over to those with demonic, unwholesome goals and plans that would cripple our nation, perhaps permanently.

I do wish that as many people as can vote against the craziness of our age and instead vote for flawed, but local and human, successors to our last president. Asylums run so badly when the inmates are running the place.

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