Section I
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Middletown High School North |
By Rev. Jim Purcell, MPS, CPSP1
Racism is alive and well in New Jersey and, while urban areas in the state have become more enlightened of necessity, many Whites who have retreated to the Suburbs have made a strategic withdrawal in order to, in their minds, preserve their 'culture,' without the need for bringing concepts of either inclusion or diversity into it. This is not to say that most Whites are prejudiced, biased or racist. I do assert that many are, in any version of what 'many' can be. Yet, because of the history of race inclusion into mainstream society within the past 20-25 years, Racist Whites -- those still hardcore against inclusion or diversity -- have adapted to more acceptable language today and kept their personal beliefs very much out of the public and, for the most part, even the private eye.
How does someone know there are Racist Whites 'hiding in the grass,' so to speak? Well, it is easy: I am a White man and, there are places in this world where other Whites still believe there is a conspiracy among Whites to 'hold the line' on Blacks and Minorities and so the racists simply say what is on their mind when Blacks and Minorities are not present. In my case, and the case of many, many Whites, this notion is rubbish and they will not accept the racist leanings of people of their own race, especially where this involves public issues and matters of personal rights and freedoms for individuals and groups of people.
What drove this home to me in neon letters 10-feet tall was a political campaign I was assisting some years back in Monmouth County. A gentleman was running for county sheriff and I got to know him quite well, as I made many of his press releases and took a good many of the photographs he used his losing election effort. Nevertheless, this individual was the chief of police in a very large Monmouth County town and he already wielded a great deal of power in the community he helped guard.
He and I were walking around in Highlands, New Jersey after a shoot by the bay and we were talking about the nature of the changing electorate. I mentioned that electorates change, and noted that at some point in the 21st century the electorate majority in the United States would become Hispanics/Latinos. I noted they would be calling most of the shots in this country politically and that would likely create immense changes. He looked at me with wide eyes and said, "There has to be something that can be done?" I was a little shocked but said, 'No, there isn't. It's a simple matter of mathematics and human reproduction -- Hispanics do more of it than Whites.' I noted Whites would, at least nationally, be a group not unlike Blacks or Asians, vying for their place at the table. I still believe this, as a matter of fact. This candidate looked dumbstruck: "So you're saying there's no hope: [Black people] and [Hispanics] are going to be running this [darn] country and Whites will be no more important than [Blacks] in it."
I didn't know how to answer this man. I asked why he was so concerned about Minorities juxtaposing to become a Majority. He said, "But they will do the same things to us as we did to them!" I was absolutely floored. At least this guy was honest, though. He explained that Whites have been deplorable to Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos nationally and even locally and he was terrified about the prospect of these self-same people holding Majority Control over the governments of the United States. "This country is White and I wish we could send them all back to Africa or Mexico or wherever the hell they came from!" Well, what can you say to that?
I said, for what it was worth, that it is very likely that a solid core of diverse lawmakers in the future may well be more enlightened in areas of race than those leaders that were steeped in White Patriarchy might be. Obviously, that wasn't very satisfying for him to hear.
A walkway at Middletown's 'Bicentennial Park' |
At the time, I was working in perhaps the single-most Racist community I have ever dealt with, no better than those of toothless Hillbillies and Rednecks in North Carolina's Smoky Mountains. It struck me how so many allegedly educated people in Middletown, New Jersey (which is the main community I am speaking about in the Garden State) could arrive at the same conclusion as the uneducated, drug addicted, inbred rabble I encountered about 2,500-feet above sea level, in Franklin, North Carolina. Both of communities disappointed me so much, I simply shrugged these experiences of life off until now, when I finally have the time to put pen to paper or, more rightly, fingers to keyboard to explain my 30-year sojourn and what I have learned about White Racism in Suburban America.
In this work, I will not explain why Racism, Bias or Prejudice against Blacks, Hispanics or other Minorities is a bad thing. I believe that has been covered pretty thoroughly between the American Civil War (1861-1865) and now. I will not defend the 'why' of the American Bill of Rights or U.S. Constitution, nor should I have to do so.
Today, Racists, particularly in Central New Jersey and Middletown Township (my example throughout this work) would never say, 'We do not want Blacks in our community.' Rather, they would do anything they have to in order to keep Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) requirements from being met, thereby bringing lower wage earners, and potentially Minorities, into their slice of 'White Heaven.' They might craft resolutions and laws giving "township residents" preference over some hires and activities rather than 'outsiders' (because those not living there might be Black or a Minority). Children would learn derisive humor and understandings of Blacks and Minorities and some adults would inspire misunderstanding and fear of those different than the White Majority in Middletown. Indeed, in one case, I witnessed my ex-fiancées brother (whom resided in an affluent section of Middletown with his parents) put on Black-face and present President Barack Obama in a light not unlike Al Jolson's performances of old. All of this adds up.
The days of in-your-face racism to Minorities is over and the enemy (Racists) has gotten smart about their attacks -- moving around the issue of Racism by finding any and all other legal issues and remedies without uttering Bias Doctrine even once. Racists have become skilled performers and linguistic acrobats that can astound and amaze as they manage to keep Race Hatred quietly alive and kicking in 21st century America.
Make no mistake about it -- Middletown is not the only Racist community in New Jersey, and not even the Bayshore, the part of the state where Middletown is geographically located. Yet, to not have a focus to a discussion is to become diffused within it, and that is something I shall not do. I will present facts, experiences and, if possible, interviews with residents and former office holders to support the case of Racist underpinnings in the community of Middletown Township. Meanwhile, it should not be forgotten or lost that my assertion is that the vast Majority of White residents in the town are likely not Racist, but thousands of White Racists are present, some placed very well in town government past and present, as well as in the citizenry.
Racism stems from an exaggerated sense of entitlement, in my personal belief. It is in the notion that 'I am better than you' for some subjective reason that the curse of Racism is planted as a seed and grown with great care to blossom as the ugliest plant ever harvested. And, where there is a town or city where there is a strong sense of communal and personal entitlements, respectively, and when that town is decidedly one race, then echoes of the old hatreds are not far behind.
Any community can fall prey to its worst angels if enough care is not taken to embrace those things that are uniquely American in this world, which is respect for individual liberties and the Constitution of the United States over errant local customs, traditions or attitudes. For example, for years, Southerners made the argument that the "Stars and Bars" were deeply seated within their culture, but would not own up to the Racist connotation involved with that symbol.
There are people of every cloth, current and former friends, whom will likely take great exception with this series. Yet, I believe in their hearts they know the truth of this and the need for it to be part of a conversation. It could be said I had many disappointing things occur during my tenure in Middletown, and that cannot be argued. But, that has little to do with the facts surrounding the community. Whenever some people cannot support a strong, truthful argument on their side, then the idea of 'this is a grudge' can come up. Well, even if I do have no love for the Middletown community it does not change my experiences, nor the testimony of others, nor statistical facts regarding the town. This will be a truthful examination of Middletown Township, New Jersey, which is one of the last enclaves of purely White culture left in the Garden State.
I was just here at the Panera Bread in rte 35 on 3/3/2021. I went in and stood about two feet from the register and about 3 feet from a caucasian female who was wiping out the well of a sink as closing time was an hour away. I greted her, "Hello". No response. On my third attempt (the loudest of the 3. Basically a shout) she looks up, still wiping. Hi. Then back down. A few more wipes and then back up( still wiping) "did you wanna place an order." I almost asked her "Why else would I be standing this close to the register while staring up at the menu?" But I chose to use my shoulders and eyebrows. She acted like she couldnt hear me which effort was thwarted by another associate who emerged from about 12 to 15 feet away behind a wall and repeated the detail she seemed to be having trouble with. I turned to my left just enough for my peripheral vision to notice the manager lurking and mopping closely behind me. He may have been glaring I'm not sure. I let her finish taking my order then had her cancel it. I drove off and noticed on the opposite side of the highway a person of color pulled over in front of three(3) police SUVs. The "investigative stop" was just beginning. That familiar feeling in my neck and ears began to well up. I sighed them away. As I traveled a little further in my attempt to gtf outta there I googled "How racist is Middletown NJ" and here I am. I am not surprised. Just tired. Way to go Jersey!!!